Depression is common and can be disabling. The right treatment can make a difference.

Many types of treatment exist to treat depression. People looking for care often have to try a number of different interventions before finding the one that works for them.
The Depression Clinical Research Program at Nova Scotia Health is looking to answer important questions about which treatments for depression work best for whom.
Some projects at the DCRP provide treatment, while others are observational. Eligible study participants may receive access to best-practice care for depression at no cost. The data we collect is used to answer key questions about depression, with the aim of helping people affected by depression get effective treatment earlier.
We have several projects currently looking for participants in Nova Scotia. Click through the projects that are currently enrolling to find out if you might be eligible. For more information, please contact the research team. There is no commitment to join once you reach out and you are free to withdraw at any time.
The Depression Clinical Research Program (DCRP) is a research clinic run within Nova Scotia Health. All of the studies offered through the DCRP have been approved by the Nova Scotia Health Research Ethics Board.
Select one of our studies to find out more, or sort by project type using the menu options above.
Optimized Predictive Treatment In Medications for Unipolar Major Depression
Treatment Interrupts Depression Early
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Antidepressants in the Treatment of MDD and PDD
Predictors of Outcomes in Mood Disorders with a Focus on Anxiety
Enabling Neuroscience Research Approaches for Brain, Feelings and Emotions
The DCRP team is a group of psychiatrists, psychologists, and researchers interested in depression. We collaborate with researchers and labs at Dalhousie and other institutions to develop findings in the field of mental health research. All DCRP research is conducted under the supervision and leadership of a Nova Scotia Health staff psychiatrist with the approval of the Nova Scotia Health Research Ethics Board.


Our list of projects will continue to change as new studies open at the DCRP. If none currently on offer are a good fit, a new study may open in the future that you would be eligible for. You can sign up to receive updates on new studies at Nova Studies Connect, an online database for clinical trials in the province, or check this site periodically to see what's new at the DCRP.
If clinical research isn't the right fit for you at the moment, there are also other resources available for people that are struggling with their mental health. Click here for guidance on which resource might work best to you and links to helpful sites for Nova Scotians.